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Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Make Ginger Honey Tea For Simple

Here s how to make the tastiest ginger honey tea you ve ever had


1/2 - leaf tea
1 1/2 - 2 cups water
1-2 tbsp honey
4-6 thin slices raw ginger
juice from 1/2 lime, or to taste
sugar as your wish


hit ginger, This will help you make a very flavorful ginger tea.
Boil the ginger and leaf tea in water for at least 10 - 15 minutes. For a stronger and tangier tea, allow to boil for 20 minutes or more, and use more hit ginger.

Remove from heater then filter from ginger and leaf tea and give honey, and ( 1/2 lime ) and then ready for serving

Enjoy your hot ginger tea! A homemade ginger tea is excellent in soothing stomach aches and in aiding digestion.

more information klik www. herballight. blogspot. com

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