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Contoh: "jual mobil"

Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Batusabun Batukoneng Tianhuang Stone

I am looking for buyers or business partners, about a stone soap or stone soap Tianhuang where the yellow stone to be sent to the country of China, Europe and the Middle East to be made objects of accessories, we provide material that is not owned by any country, soapstone / Tianhuang is only in its proper western Java in the southern sukabumi be interested please send us an email at pajhampangan. batu @ gmail. com or call my +6285353910181 by ariya resza

Harga : Rp. 10
Dikirim oleh : Ariya Resza
No Tlp : 085353910181
Propinsi : Jawa Barat
Kab/Kota : Sukabumi
Lihat detail di :
Kode Iklan : 12574