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Kamis, 08 November 2012

Spesialis Project Cargo

jasa pengiriman barang alat berat khusus wilayah kalimantan timur, hubungi kami segera www. siwigroup. co. id

Siwi Group experienced with Cargo Project, specialize in suppling Heavy Equiptment, Construction materials, materials wich have large and heavy dimension. Our competencies are :
Able to calculate suppling cost in quick time.
Well knowing loading and unloading territory.
Having good relationship with officer and locally organization.
Having good relationship with a lot off owner of shipping and trucking company.
Able to minimalize risk from dispossession and damages of loading stuff.
Accurate in calculating suppling time.
Our staff will guiding loading stuff professionally.

Harga : Rp. 10.000.000
Dikirim oleh : Jasapengiriman
No Tlp : 081314301487
Propinsi : Jakarta D.K.I.
Kab/Kota : Jakarta Timur
Lihat detail di :
Kode Iklan : 8553