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Contoh: "jual mobil"

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Make Your Vagina Like Virgin

A Thumb size of Curcuma xanthorrhiza
A Thumb size of Curcuma domestica( Turmenic )
A spoon of rose water
2 spoons of honey
Blending both curcuma and percolated, take the water (extract). Pour the extract with rose water, and for the last give the honey. Drink it every morning for 10 days at begin continually. And after 10 days at begin, take it periodically depend on your demand.

more information klik http :// herballight. blogspot. com/

Harga : Rp. 1
Dikirim oleh : Herballight
No Tlp : 08155128014
Propinsi : Jawa Timur
Kab/Kota : Surabaya
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Kode Iklan : 7568